Author - Andrew Bolson

New NJ Law Requiring Disclosure of Flood Risks Takes Effect

In response to the growing threat of flooding within New Jersey, on July 3, 2023, the New Jersey flood risk notification law was enacted to require landlords and sellers of real estate to make certain disclosures regarding known and potential floods risks.  The...

Governor signs update to New Jersey Restraining Order Law

Governor Murphy recently signed a law that expands the ability of victims of stalking and cyber harassment to obtain restraining orders in New Jersey.  Under existing law, restraining orders could only be obtained if a victim and perpetrator shared a close relationship, either...

Consulting in New Jersey: What you need to know?

Consulting or freelancing is becoming an increasingly popular way to earn a living.  Unlike salaried, W-2 employees, consultants or freelancers have greater control over when they work, where they work and who they work for.  If you are considering either working as...

Starting a Business in New Jersey: What You Need to Know

Corporate entities are formed for all sorts of reasons.  For example, some corporations are formed in order to purchase real estate, some businesses are formed by entrepreneurs looking for new business opportunities and some corporations are formed to fulfill lifelong dreams, such as the opening...

Estate Planning in the Internet Age Update

I have previously blogged about the growing importance of estate planning for digital assets.  Facebook recently announced a change to its policy about managing profiles for deceased users.  Previously, Facebook allowed accounts to be memorialized.  Functionally, memorializing an account meant...

Estate Planning Considerations for New Jersey Parents

Parents may overlook the importance of drafting a Will or considering an estate plan.  However, it is critical for young parents to plan in the event something should happen to them.   Would you want your child’s future determined by a Court?  Do you want your...

Filing for 501(c)(3) Status Just Got Easier

According to the IRS, the agency handles 70,000 applications for tax-exempt status each year.  As a result of the volume of applications being submitted, it can take months for an application to be reviewed by an examiner.   For many non-profits who...