Benjamin Franklin once said “[i]n this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Considering one’s mortality is not easy. No matter how difficult though, planning for your estate is an important consideration. It is important to have an estate plan to ensure that if something should happen to you, your loved ones and next-of-kin are taken care of. The attorneys at Meyerson, Fox & Conte, P.A. work with clients to maximize the distribution of wealth to loved ones, friends and charities while minimizing any applicable taxes. The firm’s estate practice includes the preparation of documents, such as Last Will and Testaments, Powers of Attorney and Health Care Proxies and Living Wills.
In addition to estate planning, our attorneys assist individuals tasked with administering an estate. Known as executors or administrators, these individuals have the responsibility to locate estate assets, prepare and file necessary tax documentation on behalf of the estate and distribute estate assets to beneficiaries. We assist executors and administrators with these duties to ensure that the duties are being properly managed.
For more information on our firm’s estate practice and how we can help you, please contact one of our attorneys today.