Collaborative Divorce

Steven R. Rubenstein and Marianne Quinn are both members of the Collaborative Divorce Association of North Jersey.  Mr. Rubenstein is one of the founding members of the group. Ms. Quinn has been a collaborative practitioner since she joined the association in 2010.  Mr. Rubenstein and Ms. Quinn are both available to discuss collaborative divorce with you.

Collaborative divorce is an alternative dispute resolution method which is based on the idea that the termination of a marriage and the resolution of the collateral issues that are involved in doing so are best accomplished out of court.  Unlike mediation, in collaborative divorce, each of the spouses is represented by an attorney, throughout the process.  The collaborative method is a supportive approach where you and your attorney, and your spouse and his/her attorney work together to resolve conflicts and create an agreement by employing cooperative rather than adversarial strategies and litigation.

The process may involve other professionals, such as financial and child specialists, depending on the issues involved.  The attorneys are also trained mediators and can use their mediation training to guide the parties and to explore creative solutions in negotiating an agreement in a civil, non-confrontational atmosphere.

At the outset, the parties to a collaborative divorce, and their attorneys, pledge to reach an agreement without involving the courts.  The collaborative process was created to try, as much as possible, to preserve the integrity of families experiencing the difficult transition to divorce. It is based on the belief that the parties, rather than a judge, should maintain control of the result.  By fostering respect and encouraging cooperation, collaborative professionals maintain open lines of communication.  Settlement meetings encourage honest expressions of needs and goals and focuses on problem solving to reach an agreement.  The collaborative process is based on three principles:

  1. A pledge not to go to court.
  2. An honest and open exchange of information and ideas between both spouses.
  3. Finding solutions that address the needs and concerns of all family members.

For couples who are seeking a more constructive, less expensive alternative to dissolve their relationship, collaborative divorce provides an efficient, less contentious alternative to traditional litigated divorce.  The attorneys, mental health, and financial professionals work with the couple to explore solutions and reach agreement without the intense animosity and frustration that litigation often engenders, and at less expense.

For more information on collaborative divorce, contact one of our attorneys today.
