General Counsel Services

The attorneys at Meyerson, Fox & Conte, P.A. act as outside employment counsel for businesses throughout Northern New Jersey.  As outside employment counsel, we advise clients on numerous regulatory matters, including State and Federal wage and hour laws and family and medical leave regulations.  In addition, our attorneys work with our clients to draft employment policies that reflect the unique culture and circumstances of the business.  Some of the policies drafted by our office include the following:

  • Employment manuals
  • Sexual Harassment Policies
  • Computer use and Internet Policies
  • Social Media Policies
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policies
  • Data Security Policies
  • Document Retention Policies
  • Password Policies
  • Email Policies

Manuals and policies are important for providing employees guidance on appropriate behavior.  By implementing various policies and following those policies, businesses can protect themselves from potential litigation.

Businesses of all sizes benefit from having counsel they can rely upon.  At Meyerson, Fox & Conte, P.A. we are prepared to help your business achieve its objectives.  For more information on how we can help you, contact one of our attorneys today.
