Meyerson, Fox & Conte attorneys, Sharon Rivenson Mark, Esq., Brian Shea, Esq. and Christine O'Donnell, Esq., with the assistance of Erik Topp, Esq., authored the 2024 New Jersey Practice Series on Elder Law.  The New Jersey Practice Series are resources used by attorneys throughout New Jersey seeking subject matter expertise.  In the two volume Elder Law series, attorneys Mark, Shea and O'Donnell provide a comprehensive overview of the laws, regulations, and cases concerning Medicaid Planning, and Guardianship and Conservatorship Law. A recognized leader in the field, Meyerson Fox & Conte's attorneys have decades of experience involving elder law and counseling clients on asset preservation and guardianship law.  Meyerson Fox & Conte is proud that our attorneys were selected by Westlaw to author the New Jersey Practice Series and to be recognized as preeminent elder law thought leaders in New Jersey.